Friday, 9 March 2012

This still exists...?

I have 10 blog followers. Why? I don't even like blogging...I forget that it exists (at least mine) on a daily basis and frankly, why do 10 people care? But hey--thanks! (because I'm sure you totes still read this.)

I haven't blogged in almost 2 years...A lot has happened. A lot. And if you are one of those 10 followers, you already know it all, so I might skip this bit. Long story short. England is amazing, but it didn't like me for a bit and I had to go back to the horror that is the USA for four months. In the Summer. When it is HOT. I worked for a health insurance company, which is the first time I've had US health insurance since graduating college. Yay America. When I'm in England, even as an international student, I've always had healthcare....And Socialism is bad because...?? After those long months, I was granted a 2 year extension on my visa and hopped the first plane back to my homeland :)

Within 2 months, I had landed my first paid gig (ok, first real paid gig) in publishing at Perseus Books, have moved to a different flat (living in sin with the boyfriend. Oh my!) and have kept up with my one woman travelling show around Europe show. In 2 weeks I leave for a long weekend to Malta. Hoorah!

I miss Oxford, not daily, but weekly. I miss the closeness of it all. The friends down the road...rather than a 2 switch tube ride or walk/bus/walk. However, when I was searching for jobs, and I interviewed there, it didn't feel the same. Let's face it--the year I spent living in Oxford and studying at Brookes was the *best* year of my life. I cannot foresee a year topping it any time soon. And as much as I love Ox and I love my friends that are still there...It won't be the same if I go back. I'm a city girl at heart. I need the public transit, the pollution, the bustling of business men as I walk to and from work. I love it. Oxford is quaint and I'd love to 'settle down there' someday...but someday is not now.

For now, I'm working on becoming a true and tried Londoner. I push my way through the bank intersection; I stand on the right and pass on the left; I allow people off the train before shoving my way on. I'm looking forward to spring and summer and lying out in the park, drinking pimms on the river. British Summer is the best kind of summer and I was robbed last year.

Le sigh. This is why I don't blog.

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