Monday, 22 June 2009

Almost Heaven

Today I am sitting in extended family's (read: everyone is a 'cousin') living room after a fun-filled weekend of reunion. Oy. We do this every June and every year I feel I've gained about a bazillion pounds, I've been bitten by a plethora of insect varieties and I'm wondering why we see these people only once a year.

And, in other news we're still here at the moment because I have an appointment at 1pm in Charleston for my Visa. I'm not really sure why I have this appointment or what is going to happen...and I didn't sleep at all last night for fear that somehow my future is about to be diverted. I bought my Visa online about two weeks ago and after submitting the application, I was told I had to pick an office to go to to 'finish' the process. I really just hope everything is working out as planned. It better. I bought my train pass two weeks ago as well!!! Made a major dent in my savings (my bank even denied the charge a few times and then called me to make sure it wasn't fraudulent activity). It feels so great that things are coming together, at least for the trip part, but all the little details are stressing me out a bit. Money (not the lack of money...I'm over that stress already, but where to put it and in what currency), packing, etc.

I also started a new job last week after 4 days of unemployment. It's at a telecenter (those of you in Morgantown can guess which) basically because they have 6 weeks of training and it's super easy to get a job there. So far it's boring. Very boring. However, it pays only slightly less than my old job and I'm a lot less stressed.

My mom has decided to join me on my travels rather than just meeting me in Oxford. She's going to meet me in Venice (ahh...I like the sound of that) on September the 7th and we're going to travel up and down Italy, and then go over the alps into France in search of this tiny little town that my great-grandmother is from. Then the plan is to hit some places in the south of France, Switzerland, head to Nantes and Orleans and do some Joan of Arc (I am not afraid...) and back to jolly ol' England! Is this really my life??? It still hasn't hit me that, yes, it is my life...or will be. Ask me again around August 19th if I'm finally believing this is all real.

As I mentioned, I've spent the entire weekend with family. I've tried to see my family more lately. We've had some major family issues to deal with this year and I think it's finally made me realize how important it is to have a connection with them. I've always been the one who lived far away whether it was due to where I grew up or when I went away to school (I picked my school slightly based on the amount of hours it takes to drive there from home). Before I leave I want to make sure that I see everyone a lot before I leave and that we make good memories. Now that everyone is getting older, and I've finally been accepted as a real adult (at 23 mind you) family is a lot more fun. I spent the majority of the weekend with my 'little' cousin Kelly who is now 15. This past year she's transitioned from the annoying little cousin/sister to a cool kid. She's coming to London next June for a school/music trip. We're going shopping :)

Ok, getting ready to head out. Adieu!!

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