Sunday, 5 April 2009

Midnight Train (plane) Going Anywhere...

Ok, I'm taking the 11:10 PLANE and I'm going to London, but I'm trying to be witty here, ok??

Since my life currently consists of nothing but going to work (which I despise) and sleeping...the obvious free time I have is spent dreaming/thinking/planning/agonizing over my trip and move to England. I've reserved my plane ticket...I've started my Visa application (which would be finished except you cannot reserve it more than 3 months ahead, gah!) and I've found a flatshare! YAY!

So, I've moved on, or rather back to, planning my month long European Extravaganza which will happen post-move from the US and pre-Grad school. In the spirit of making everyone extremely jealous of me...I kid...I've decided to post my 'itinerary' here. Keep in mind I'm not actually leaving until August and things will change, be updated, etc. but I really need to write this all out for my own sake!

July 31st- My last day of work in Morgantown. YAY!!! This day is probably the day I'm looking forward to the MOST.

August 8th(ish)-Say goodbye to Motown, finally, and head to PA for about a week of saying 'bye to the fam, etc.

August 13th- 11:10pm Virgin Atlantic, Dulles Intl Airport--London, Heathrow. :)

August 14th-Arrive in London around noon and procede to Black Spring Press just in time for Friday wine! Provide my buddy (and mentor on this whole move thing) boxes upon boxes of Mac and cheese in exchange for a room for the night and a place to leave my crap!

August 15th-17th- Head to Oxford, meet the new roommates, etc. (this was originally supposed to be a weekend where I found a flat in a frenzied way. But, I'm a planner...there was no way I could wait that long).

August 17th-Sept. 14th(ish)-EUROPEAN EXTRAVAGANZA!!!
Countries on the list:
  • Denmark (Copenhagen)
  • Germany (Berlin, Frankfurt, ?)
  • Poland (Krakow, Warsaw, Auschwitz)
  • Austria (Vienna)
  • Italy (Verona, Venice, Florence, Rome)
  • France (Marseille, Lyon, Bordeaux, Nantes, Nice)
  • Monaco
  • Switzerland (Geneva)
And we'll see what else I can manage to hit on the train route. I've found a month long pass that gets me to every country I want, except Poland. For less than $100 I can add the poland pass. Basically the whole thing is costing less than $900. I had budgeted 1000euros/pounds for I'm already ahead! Yippee!

Sept 14th-I plan to arrive back in London at some point. Pick up my stuff and head to my new flat in Oxford!

Sept. 17th-The parents are coming! Well, we're planning it. And here's why... Jane Austen Festival!

Sept.18th-20th-In Bath at the Austen Festival!

Sept. 21st-Must be back in Oxford for enrollment...going back to school, going back to school, going back to school!!!!

Sept. 28th-Classes Start!!!!! ACK!

That's it for now. I do have some specific plans laid out for each of the countries I'm planning to visit, but that changes weekly. :)

1 comment:

  1. I AM SO JELIOUS OF YOUR LIFEEEE! I mean, I get to go to London too, but only for 2 weeks and I don't get to stay. And you wont even be there when I am there, whats with that? You should tell your new room mate that I will be there and we can meet up, I can see if she is any good :) Na, that might be weird. Anyway, I LOVE you and am going to miss you like crazy but am so excited for you anyway!
